Poor, Poor, Bathroom

If your furniture, appliances, and other inanimate objects at home had feelings and emotions, to which item would you owe the biggest apology?

(Thanks for suggestion a similar prompt, zaji!)

Which object at home deserves the biggest apology? I’d say the whole bathroom in general. The toilet for having to constantly swallow our waste, the toothbrush for being shoved into our dirty mouths, the mirror for seeing the ugliness that lies in you, even if you don’t realize it, and the shower for watching you clean yourself and maybe be tortured by your singing; I’m sorry for all of them. However, at the same time I’m grateful for them and appreciate all they do for us. Without toilets, we would still be dumping our excretions on the street and spreading disease. Without showers, we’d still be spending and hour or so bathing, considering it would take extra time to fill and empty the tub. Without toothbrushes, we’d be losing our teeth at age 35. So, while I’m sorry for our bathrooms, I’m also thankful we have them.

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